
Calculation Source

..: Body Mass Index Calculation   (BMI)

BMI =  Weight (kg)
          [Height (m)]2

1 inch= 2,54 cm
1 kg = 2,205 lbs


..: Basal Metabolism Calculation

This is the equation suggested by USA National Academy of Sciences-Institute of Medicine-Food and NutritionBoard ( (kcal/jour):

3 - 18 years m = 68 - 43,3 a + 19,2 w + 712 h
f = 189 - 17,6 a + 7,9 w + 625 h
19 years and older m = 293 - 3,8 a + 10,12 w + 456,4 h
f = 247 - 2,67 a + 8,60 w + 401,5 h

w = weight in kg
h = height in m
a = age in year
m = male
f = female


This is the equation suggested by Harris-Benedict (kcal/jour):

m = 66,47 - 6,76 a + 13,75 w + 500 h
f = 655,1 - 4,68 a + 9,56 w + 185 h

w = weight in kg
h = height in m
a = age in year
m = male
f = female


..: Total Energy Expediture Calculation

This is the equation suggested by USA National Academy of Sciences-Institute of Medicine-Food and NutritionBoard ( - normal-weight (kcal/jour):

0 - 3 months (89 w - 100) + 175
4 - 6 months (89 w - 100) + 56
7 - 12 months (89 w - 100) + 22
13 - 35 months (89 w - 100) + 20
3 - 8 years m = 88,5 - 61,9 a + PA (26,7 w + 903 h) + 20
f = 135,3 - 30,8 a + PA (10,0 w + 934 h) + 20
9 - 18 years m = 88,5 - 61,9 a + PA (26,7 w + 903 h) + 25
f = 135,3 - 30,8 a + PA (10,0 w + 934 h) + 25
19 years ans older m = 662 - 9,53 a + PA (15,91 w + 539,6 h)
f = 354 - 6,91 a + PA (9,36 w + 736 h)
Pregnancy 1st trimester: + 0
2nd trimester: + 160 + 180
3rd trimester: + 272 + 180
Lactation 0 to 6 months postpartum: + 500 - 170
7 to 12 months postpartum: + 400

w = weight in kg
h = height in m
a = age in year
m = male
f = female
PA = Physical Activity coefficient  (see table above)


This is the equation suggested by USA National Academy of Sciences-Institute of Medicine-Food and NutritionBoard ( - normal weight or overweight (kcal/jour):

3 - 18 years m = 114 - 50,9 a + PA (19,5 w + 1161,4 h)
f = 389 - 41,2 a + PA (15,0 w + 701,6 h)
19 years and older m = 864 - 9,72 a + PA (14,2 w + 503 h)
f = 387 - 7,31 a + PA (10,9 w + 660,7 h)
Pregnancy 1st trimester: + 0
2nd trimester: + 160 + 180
3rd trimester: + 272 + 180
Lactation 0 to 6 months postpartum: + 500 - 170
7 to 12 months postpartum: + 400

w = weight in kg
h = height in m
a = age in year
m = male
f = female
PA = Physical Activity coefficient  (see table above)


..: Physical Activity Coefficients (PA)

These are the coefficients suggested by USA National Academy of Sciences-Institute of Medicine-Food and NutritionBoard ( - normal-weight:

(PAL* 1,0 to 1,4)
Low active
(PAL* 1,4 to 1,69)
(PAL* 1,6 to 1,9)
Very active
(PAL* 1,9 to 2,5)
3 - 18 years m = 1,00
f = 1,00
m = 1,13
f = 1,16
m = 1,26
f = 1,31
m = 1,42
f = 1,56
19 years and older m = 1,00
f = 1,00
m = 1,11
f = 1,12
m = 1,25
f = 1,27
m = 1,48
f = 1,45

* PAL = Physical Activity Level


These are the coefficients suggested by USA National Academy of Sciences-Institute of Medicine-Food and NutritionBoard ( - normal-weight or overweight:

(PAL* 1,0 to 1,4)
Low active
(PAL* 1,4 to 1,69)
(PAL* 1,6 to 1,9)
Very active
(PAL* 1,9 to 2,5)
3 - 18 years m = 1,00
f = 1,00
m = 1,12
f = 1,18
m = 1,24
f = 1,35
m = 1,45
f = 1,60
19 years and older m = 1,00
f = 1,00
m = 1,12
f = 1,14
m = 1,27
f = 1,27
m = 1,54
f = 1,45

* PAL = Physical Activity Level


..: Terms Definition

Sedentary Typical daily living activities
Low active Typical daily living activities
+ 30 to 60 minutes of moderate activity / day
Active Typical daily living activities
+ at least 60 minutes of moderate activity / day
Very active Typical daily living activities
+ at least 60 minutes of moderate activity / day
+ at least 60 minutes of vigorous activity / day
+ at least 120 minutes of moderate activity / day


Typical Living Activities 
walking slowly or moderately
clerical work
household tasks (light)
leisure activities like billiards, dancing (slowly), volleyball (leisurely), gardening (light), golf with cart, etc.

Moderate Activities
badminton (leisurely)
cycling (leisurely)
smooth exercising
walking rapidly
household tasks

Vigorous Activities
badminton (competitive)
stationary bicycle
physical conditioning
judo or karate
swimming rapidly
volleyball (competitive)