Food Composition Table
General Overview
..: This option makes it possible to consult the product database as a Food Composition Table.
..: To find a food, you can search:
- by alphabetical order,
- by food group or
- by keyword: to launch a research, press the research key.
..: You can choose the database(s) that will be displayed by checking or unchecking the options to the right of the screen.
Personal Data
Canadian Nutrient File (CNF)
National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference (USDA)
French Food Composition Table - France (CIQUAL)
Tanzania Food Composition Tables
WorldFood 2 (INFOODS)
Industrial Ingredients Database
..: The % of refuse appearing on the screen corresponds to the loss between the untrimmed quantity (AP: as purchased) and the trimmed quantity (EP: edible part).
..: To select a food, click on a product and, at the bottom of the screen, select the right measuring unit.
Enter the desired quantity in the appropriate box and click anywhere outside the box to visualize the nutritive value of this food for the desired quantity.
..: You can print all the displayed foods.
..: You can also visualize a printing preview.